Monday, March 15, 2010

What to do?????

Autumn wants to be held all the time. Everytime I lay her down she crys. She sleeps in her own bed at night and is sleeping much better at night. During the day is another story, at the moment she is laying next to me which is amazing but she is starting to fuss. I have tryed the swing and she hates it. The swing we have does not lay down though and it is not very soothing, so she sits in it maybe 5 mins and then starts to cry. I was looking at this swing online that looks awesome but it is so exspensive. So today I was doing research on different wraps to hold her. I am leaning on a Moby Wrap
Obviously not me but a picture of how Autumn likes to be held.
Well, a friend of mine bought fabric and just followed the directions so I am leaning to that. Augh now she is crying even as I hold her...... I have a hotsling and a different kind of sling but when I do dishes and house work it makes it hard because I have support her or I feel she will fall out. What do you all think?

I was under the weather this weekend but thankfully Craig was here to help. During the day on Saturday I did get out without any kids for a few hours which was so nice, granted it was just to the grocery store and I was not feeling the best but it was relaxing!!

So today Aubrey is home because she claimed she did not feel well, wow she is so not sick. Zander and her are playing and fighting, AUGH.

I am really wanting to scrapbook but it is a little hard with Autumn's crankiness. So craving some creativity!!!


Elizabeth Anne Weddings said...

my best friend, heidi, swears by k'tans. google them. They may be pricey but she says NOTHINg comes close and she has had wraps and the nine yards. the lovely part about them is the babe can fit in them for years to come.
hope that helps!

Dorcas said...

Hey sweets! I am hoping you figured out something. Are you then going to make it? Let me know cause I think I know where to find a pattern for it or similar anyway. Miss you girly! You made my day yesterday. MUA!!!