Thursday, August 19, 2010

All weeks posts in ONE......

Sorry, I have been missing yet again this week. I have been really bad at this blogging thing the last two weeks. I just have not made the time to do posts or can not find the right words to explain what is going on so my post gets deleted before I post it. AUHHHHH

This week I am trying to get the girls ready for school. Shopping, organizing, marking there things, hair cuts and everything else that goes along with it. I still need to get them school shoes, which is one of the hardest things on my list because they have to be navy and navy shoes are hard to find. I also need to go through there school clothes. Thankfully they wear uniforms and we have gotten to the point where it is pass them down. But I think I need to take a few hems out of the skirts. But thankfully I still have until the 7th of September before they start. They are so ready to go back to school and I kind of am too. We need to get back to having a routine!!

Autumn has started eating cereal and fruit now every morning. She is still getting used to it, it is funny to watch her try to learn how to eat. Most of it still ends up all over her face and hands. She has really become such a wonderful baby. This week is the first week I have gotten her to take a regular nap, a 3 hour break a day is heaven!!! We have discovered she is afraid of strangers. I am praying she grows out of it soon since she will not go to anyone other then Craig, the girls or I. She is a little rolling pro, she rolls all over the floor and can get anywhere. She is getting to big way to fast!!!

I finally got Zander's room organized. It is such a good feeling! I put this things in little buckets from the Dollar Tree. It is so nice I can actually see his floor and he can put his toys away. Yea for organization!!!

I have been trying to get some crafting done. I have not gotten much accomplished though. I have at least planned out some projects which I will start working on in the next few days. I am so excited I get to make some adorable baby shower invites. They are going to be so adorable!! I can not wait to share them when I am finished.

So since I missed my fav photo Tuesday this week here is my favorite photo of the week!!

I hope you are all having a wonderful week and I will really try to be better at time management!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of your little ones !!! I wish I'd start be more crafty, I scrapbook but would love to do cards like both you and Dorcas !!! I attend so many functions and it would save me money I know if I designed my own !!! Plus it feels great to give someone a card made from the HEART !!

Dorcas said...

autumn is so cute. rolling over already

what a cutie! love the pics!