I just love Miscellany Monday over at Carissa's blog. It really gives me a chance to share everything we have been up to and what I have been thinking about. Click on the button above to head on over and checkout her blog.
So here we go.....
{1} Happy Happy Birthday to my sweet Hubby and my oldest daughter Alyssa. I can not believe you are 11 today, where has the time gone. I so remember bringing you home for the hospital, it was so scary bringing our first baby home. I love you my Sunshine's!!!

{3} I am exhausted, I can not handle getting only 4 or 5 hours at most of sleep a night. I guess I need to start going to bed when Autumn does. Autumn has been going through a growth spurt and she has been waking up every 3 hours to eat. It does not help with my emotions. Which brings me to #4.
{4} I have struggled my whole life with my emotions, depression and crying at the drop of a hat. After having a baby is the worst but not always right away. After Alyssa I was a basket case, I just have to thank God that he helped me through.
{5} Laundry, Landry it is seriously never ending. I went in to my closet today and there were 2 full baskets of dirty laundry, where did they come from, lol?!?!? That does not even count for the laundry that the girls have in there baskets in there rooms. WOW
{6} It is quite funny, both of my older girls now have better camera's then me. Alyvia got a new camera for her birthday and Alyssa got one a few years back. Some day I will get a new one. :)
{7} What do you do with a baby that won't poop by herself. The last few times Autumn has pooped it is only because I gave her a suppository. I have never had a baby that would not poop. She only nurses so far so not sure what is going on with her little body.
I have so much to do today so I guess I better get going. Enjoy your day, Happy Miscellany Monday!
hope the girls party goes well. you are a brave soul having that many at your house alone! haha and my youngest did the whole no pooping thing for a bit while nursing. i just always did a little pear juice with mostly water and it always helped! hope that helps! hope you have a great monday! :) and boo about laundry..gotta hate mondays just because of that alone!
I hope your girls' party goes well for you! I'm sure the lack of sleep is difficult, especially with so many little ones to care for. So glad God gives you the strength you need to pull through.
..When we brought our son home, it was such a difficult time for me. I will say a prayer for you.
Hugs to you!
Hey has she gone stinkies yet? have you tried the prune juice? I feel for ya. And laundry oh man…. let's not go there.
I hope the party went great and you have rested. Try and relax today my dear.
hey hon, i wouldn't recommend the suppository. try something more natural ...call the nurse line.
love you!
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