Thursday, February 18, 2010

One week

WOW, I have not updated my blog for so long! Alot has happend since I updated last. I spent almost a week in the hospital and Autumn has arrived. She is a week old today. We are doing wonderful and starting to adjust. She is sleeping so good at night and is waking up about every 4 hours to eat.
My Mom has been here since last monday the 8th, she made it just in time. We could not have imagined her not being here. It has ment so much!!! She is an amazing women and has been helping so much!! I love you MOM!!!!
Craig's parents got here the same day we got to come home from the hospital. So it has been a little crazy and not been online much with everyone here and just adjusting to life and trying to rest.....
I will try in the next few days to post the birth story but here are a few pictures of our new little Autumn Grace. Born on Feb 11 at 12:20pm, she was 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 in.


Dorcas said...

She's REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY Cute! Did I say REALLY CUTE! Love you and hope to catch up soon! CONGRATULATIONs!!!!!!

Cristi said...

Thank you Dorcas, yes she is cute ;).... I cant wait to catch up! hugs